Kamis, 07 Maret 2013
Apa sih, blog kok di ping..?

Cara cepat mempublikasikan blog anda untuk optimasi SEO.

Kenapa harus di ping segala, apa keuntungannya..?

Agar postingan Anda cepet ter crawl dan terindeks mesin pencari layaknya google dan dan yang lainya.

Trus kapan kita harus ping blog kita..? 
waktu yang pas buat ngeping blog kita adalah ketika kita telah talah selesai mengupdate blog kita, contohnya sesudah mengupdate artikel atau posting, setelah merubah susunan blog serta backlink atau link dari blog Anda.

nah berikut ini adalah situs - situs free yang bisa buat ngeping blog kita :

Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated.
Submit Free lets you submit URL to popular search engines from one Mypagerank.net
Promote your blog with TotalPing!
Ping your blog, feed, or podcast for free!
PingMyBlog.com is a service which does the hard work for you.
Use Pingler.com to Ping your Blogs and Websites in the best way possible!
Automates Ping Blog and Podcast for Free.
Pingates is a service that pings or notifies a number of services that keep track of weblogs and publish them.
Feed Ping Website Blog Ping RSS Service Webmaster Tools.
Ping.IN is a blog ping service that pings or notifies Weblog Services such as Blog Search Engines and blog directories that your blog has been updated.

Ping search engines quick and clean without the need to register.

Terserah mau pilih yang mana.. sesuai selera dan hati nurani anda..  


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